Belfast - Tommy Givan Track
Houston Park : BT5 6AT
Belfast - Tommy Givan Track : Image credit Gordon Skillen Facebook - Yesterdays velodromes The Tommy Givan Track (formerly known as the Orangefield track and renamed in 1981) is a tarmac banked track, built in 1957 and still in use. The track is described by the Ulster Cycling News "The track is a 396 metre outdoor banked oval track surfaced in tarmac, the only surviving facility of this kind in the Ulster. Orangefield track was opened for competition in 1957 and was used extensively throughout the 50s and 60s when track cycling enjoyed tremendous support. The track has been used continuously over the years, although interest has been mixed.

One of the stalwarts of Track Cycling was Belfast man Tommy Givan of Maryland Wheelers, and in his honour the track was re-named the Tommy Givan track after his death in 1981.

A memorial stone to Tommy, a former National Track Champion, stands at the entrance to the track.

Orangefield track can be reached from Houston Park, off the Castlereagh Rd in Belfast.

Following track successes in Britain and increased media coverage, interest in track cycling has grown. Racing has returned to Orangefield on a Thursday evening with a Track League running throughout the summer months. There are also regular training days throughout the year both for newcomers and experienced track riders".

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Photos : Gordon Skillen Facebook - Yesterday's velodromes